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i have been starting every month on or before the 14th than this month i haven't started yet and it is the 14th could it be I'm pregnant or that I'm just irregular.

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Q: Can your period go from regular to irregular?
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How long is your period irregular?

Your period may stay irregular until you are 18 to 20 years old when you will develop a regular cycle.

What can stop an irregular period?

The only way to stop an irregular period is to start taking birth control. Usually, you will become very regular when taking the pill and some people stop having periods all together when they go on the shot.

Is an oblong an irregular or regular?

It is irregular.

What do the terms regular and irregular mean with respect to menstruation?

With respect to menstruation, the terms regular and irregular mean the frequency with which a woman gets her period. A regular menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days long, but for some women it could be 25 to 31 days long and still be regular. Regular menstruation enables a woman to predict when she will next menstruate whereas with an irregular cycle, a woman never knows when her period will start until it does.

Is a pentegon regular or irregular?

Pentagons can be regular or irregular.

is the verb mail regular or irregular?

regular or irregular

Is a trapezium regular or irregular?

It is irregular.

Is a pentagon a regular or a irregular polygon?

A pentagon can be regular or irregular.

Can you miss your period if you have an irregular period?

Yes. But this also depends on your definition of "irregular". If your period comes a few days earlier or later than usual, then the chances are that that will be your period. It is quite common, but if it continues or becomes VERY irregular, go and see your GP.

What should you do if you only had a one day period?

If its your first period or your irregular its normal but if your not irregular it might just be spotting go to the doctor just in case.