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No, your kidneys can't start back because when it shuts down means it stopped and that you have to replace it but it can't start back

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Q: Can your kidneys start back after they shut down?
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Call his doctor, or talk to someone else who knows the situation well.

How do you know when your kidney is shutting down?

Go on dialysis. Start looking for donors. Talk to your doc about a transplant. There are a range of reasons why kidneys will start to "shut down". In most cases its due to a an extreme water infeection which will turn to septtisemia. Antibiotics can help. If its down to lack of fluids which are vital for the kidneys to operate correctly then increase water intake and IV fluids can help. If the kidneys are diseased then the options above are really the next step.

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Your kidneys shut down, and you die.

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NASA will not shut down it is just shutting down the space program. After the space program will start the Constellation Program that will send human beings to the moon at back to earth safely.

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Not unless the victim is particularly hypersensitive to the venom.

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If it goes untreated it will spread to the kidneys and shut them down so yes.

Is there such thing as stage 5 kidney failure?

Yes. Will require dialysis treatment as the kidneys have shut down.

What are the procedures for shutting down Windows XP?

Start Menu> Shut Down> Shut Down .... It's simple. o.o

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its your pump

Help me decide why a 1996 Buick LaSabre shut down while driving.?

I would need a little more information about your problem. Did the check engine light come on? After it shut down did it start back up? How were you driving when this occured?