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it depends scratching will damage them standing in front of light can it depends on what you mean

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Q: Can your eyes get messed up from messing with them?
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There are detailed instructions on how to catch this GLITCH here: "MISSING.NO" IS NOT A POKEMON AND HAS NEVER BEEN ONE. It is only a glitch of the game. Catching it is only asking to get your game messed up INDEFINITELY. Your PC box will be messed up, your Pokemon on hand will be messed up, it is not worth messing with that glitch AT ALL. To get it using gameshark: 014FD8CF IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!

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If it deliberately to hurt them, in my eyes.. yes

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An acronym for messed up is a fault, mistake or error.

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Well...are you dating this girl? Cuz if you are, I don't give good advice to really messed up people. That's your relationship with this girl; is messed up, cuz YOUR messed up.

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If you cross your eyes too often, you will go cross-eyed. If you go cross eyed, you may be able to get it fixed. Not sure though.

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Ozone is pretty messed up. It is due to CFC's affecting it.

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your ds can only get messed up if you kiss it

If your Windows is messed up will that slow your computer?

If the Windows is messed up, then yes. It will mess the computer up.