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Yes, It is Possible. Cherry is short for Hymen, the small tissue next to the vaginal opening and can be torn during different kinds of activities. it is mostly torn during sexual intercourse or masturbation of a large object. the hymen can scab up and can be re-opened if sexual intercourse is achieved after the first time of having sex or a time period in which the hymen has not been able to heal itself. It isn't the Hymen being popped honestly, its just the tussue being stretched beyond the point in which it starts to expand and bleed and stays at that point.

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Karina Pique

Lvl 2
3y ago

I had mine popped 3 times. Once for the first time and 2 times with my husband. And the 2nd one was after I had our son but I did have a C-section and the 3rd time was several years later like (6-7) years later. What does that mean????

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15y ago

Only once.

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Q: Can your cherry be popped more than once?
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What does it mean if your cherry doesn't pop?

Your cherry might be deeper and more thick than others... If you are a virgin, than this is an unreasonable question, but if you have had intercourse, it might take more force to break your hymen.