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No way that's completely crazy. Thank you for making me lose my appetite anyway.

No as your brain only grows a little amount every decade, so it would never get to big that your skull can't handle it. :)

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Q: Can your brain get so big that your head explodes?
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no you cannot sneeze so hard that your head explodes, nobody has ever done that before.

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the more your brain is bigger the more your smart so her brain is learning new things don't get tricked if someone calls you a big head!

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it can't u crazy people it can't u crazy people

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Is there really a spot on your brain if you get hit it explodes?

Getting hit on the head typically causes a concussion or injury but doesn't usually result in the brain exploding. The brain is protected by the skull and cerebrospinal fluid, so it's unlikely for it to explode from just a blow to the head.

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The brain would be in the head.

My guy likes to lay is head against mine does he like you a lot?

No he just has a really big metal bolt for a brain and needs to lean his head against something to keep it upright because his head is so heavy. YYYOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRWEELCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!! Toodles :)

Why is micheals head so big?

As Michael said that his head is so big because he is so SMART. HAHAHAHAHHA like thats real

Why is alexis knapp's head so big?

probbably cuz her momma or dads head was big

Whose head is so big that it has its own orbit?

Chris mitchell the big head himself

How big is Hassans head?

Its so big, when he tries to kiss a girl his head gets in the way

What is happening in your brain that so it interprets?

it has got signal in your head so that it interprets