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Q: Can your adnoids grow back after they have been removed?
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Your uvula is not supposed to grow back once it has been removed.

Parrots claw fell off will it grow back?

It depends, if the root has been removed, no, if not then yes it can grow back, the same as a human nail.

Can you lose your tonsils twice?

No, once they have been removed that's it. WRONG! Your tonsils can grow back.

Will muscles grow back if they have been removed from the body?

Not on humans or other mammals. Maybe on salamanders and newts they do . . .

Can a mans bottom left rib if taken out grow back?

Yes it can. I had to have it removed along with another one. The doctors told me if it is removed properly it can grow back. I had never heard of such a thing. I have before and after x-rays and yes they grew back. It took almost 4 months.

Can your adenoids grow back?

Yes they can but it is very rare. I had mine removed when I was 2 but they grew back and caused problems when I was 22 and I had to have them removed again. Yes they can I have my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was 4, my adenoids removed again at 13 and am going into surgery for the 3rd time on 18th nov 2009 to have my adnoids removed again...I'm 29 now!! This has caused huge problems with my ears have had 3 sets of grommets when i was 5,13,18 now having 4th set in on 18/11, the specialist assures me that now I'm having them out as an adult they won't come back....I will have to keep you posted on that one.

Can tonslis be removed twice?

Once tonsils are removed they do not grow back, so the answer is NO.

Can dew claws grow back?

Yes, dew claws can grow back if they have been removed or trimmed too short. However, this process can be painful for the dog and may lead to complications such as infection. It is important to consult with a veterinarian for guidance on proper dew claw care.

Why does a dog's fur not grow back after surgery?

A dog's fur may not grow back after surgery because the hair follicles in the area where the surgery was performed may have been damaged or removed during the procedure. This can prevent new hair from growing in that area.

How fast do lashes grow back after false ones have been ripped off?

they wont grow back as fast they might not grow back at all because of the chemicals that have been on them.

Do kidneys grow back?

No, kidneys cannot grow back once they have been removed or damaged beyond repair. The remaining kidney can sometimes compensate and increase in size to help with the loss of function, but a completely regrown kidney is not possible in adults.

Will hair grow back on your head if it has been ripped out and your a women?

yes your hair will grow backwill grow back.