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Q: Can you use sweet sweat twice a day?
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I use it twice a day.

Which is the best product on sweat stains?

Sweat stains should best be avoided then getting into a practice of removing. If you sweat too much, try and use good anti perspirants. Wash armpits clean daily twice. This manage excessive sweating and also any bacterial action. Hence if you are not clear on how to get rid of sweat stains, better use these methods.

How can you stop sweating as much as i use deodorant ever day but during a hot day a sweat so much the deodorant does not work and i get huge sweat patches which is really embarrassing?

you use lots of dove it works on anything............... especially birds

How many times can you use coltzans shrine?

twice a day

How can you use Chlorhexidine oral rinse?

twice a day for 14 days

Does the product Sweet Sweat help you burn more calories if it helps you sweat more when applied to parts of your body?

What sweet sweat does it make the part of your body hotter. No you will not burn more calories because that depends on how much you increase your heart rate, however you will sweat more and inches will come off, probably due to water. I personally use sweet sweat around my midsecion and it helps shrink inches faster as well as let my toning show through will can sometimes be covered a few extra inches. I would definitely recommend it. There is no such thing as an easy way around weight loss. If you loose it fast you'll gain it back even faster. weightloss, is simply how many calories you consume vs how many you eat. Simple as that. Unfortunately we live in a country that spends billions of dollars on fast unhealthy ffod, and twice that on products that promise to take the excess fat away without excersize or diets......

What are the use of sweat glands?

To release sweat

How do we keep our body clean in summer?

Bathe every day and use powder and deodorant if you sweat a lot.

How long can you use Chlorhexidine oral rinse?

twice a day for 14 days

what are tips for healthy skin?

To keep healthy skin is to moisturize you skin twice a day, as well as washing your face twice a day. At night use a facial scrub and in the morning use a facial soap or one that doesn't have the scrubs in it.

How does a guinea pig get use to you?

Play with it every day and feed it and love it and be really sweet and nice to it.