I know it is used to treat bacterial or fungal infections .. Athletes foot is usually fungal - it can't hurt to try..
I just got a prescription from my vet for my dog , she is currently going thru chemo and got a small skin abrasion , the vet has me putting it on it 2 x a day to prevent an infection as well as antibiotics .. So it apparently works to prevent infections as well as clear up infections .
Burn victims are prescribed this a lot to prevent or heal infections due to the burns
My doctor gave my toddler silver sulfadiazine for a diaper rash and it is the only thing that works when she gets diarrhea and a bad diaper rash. There have been no ill effects.
I am a certified veterinary technician working in a small animal practice and we use silver sulfadiazine cream all of the time. We normally use it on the dogs paw pads when they sustain and injury to them. As always first see your veterinarian if it is not a minor injury!
creams. use certain creams and your athletes foot shal be gone! hope this helps! :) !
No, silver sulfadiazine is typically used for treating burns, not poison ivy. For poison ivy, it is recommended to use over-the-counter corticosteroid creams or calamine lotion to help reduce itching and inflammation. If the rash is severe or spreading, consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment.
E45 cream is not specifically formulated to treat athletes foot, which is a fungal infection. It is best to use antifungal creams or sprays that are designed to treat this condition. These products usually contain ingredients such as clotrimazole or miconazole that are effective in combating the fungus that causes athletes foot.
It's a topical treatment commonly used to treat the condition Athletes Foot.
Wut. Behavioral adaptations of athelete's foot? As in the fungus?
Silver Sulfadiazine cream (SSD) is used to help treat wound sepsis in patients that have second and third degree burns to their skin. It is not recommended as a diaper rash cream.
A fungal infection. When your feet are warm and moist it is a great place for fungus to grow. Keep them dry and air them out. Change your socks often and go barefoot when you can. Use an over the counter anti-fungal like Lamisil and you should be fine.
Yes, Sylvadine (silver sulfadiazine cream) is commonly used to treat burns as it helps prevent infection and promotes healing. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using Sylvadine on a burn to determine the best course of treatment.
No, you should not use silver sulfadiazine cream on poison ivy. Silver sulfadiazine is an antibiotic cream that is used to treat wounds and burns. It works by killing bacteria that can cause infection. However, poison ivy is not caused by bacteria, but by an oil called urushiol. Urushiol is a very potent allergen that can cause a rash, blisters, and itching. Silver sulfadiazine will not help to treat the rash caused by poison ivy, and it may actually make it worse. If you have come into contact with poison ivy, the best thing to do is to wash the affected area with soap and water as soon as possible. You can also apply a cool compress to the area to help relieve the itching. If the rash is severe, you may need to see a doctor for treatment. Here are some home remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of poison ivy: Calamine lotion Oatmeal bath Baking soda paste Witch hazel Tea tree oil If you are allergic to poison ivy, you may also want to take an over-the-counter antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). It is important to note that poison ivy can be very contagious. If you have come into contact with it, it is important to wash your clothes and any other items that may have come into contact with the oil. You should also avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth after handling poison ivy.
Athletes foot can be chronic meaning you will always have it once you get it and have to use a cream to keep the break out of scaling skin and ithchiness away. I use Econazole Nitrate cream, it's perfect, I rub it on my feet 2-3 times a week and my feet look and feel completely normal, no itchyness or redness or peeling anymore.