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According to my research, you can use Diprivan for patients with sulfa allergy because it doesn't contain sodium bisulfite. The generic form of Propofol does contain bisulfite in it. However, more recent generic Propofol contains benyl alcohol instead of bisulfite to reduce bacterial growth in the vial. Bottom line: Look at ingredients of Propofol before giving to sulfa allergic patients.

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Q: Can you use propofol or diprivan if you have a allergy to sulfa?
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If one has a sulfa allergy what medications should be avoided?

If one has sulfa allergy there is a few medication they should avoid. They should avoid antibiotics containing sulfonamides, and other medications that use sulfasalazine.

What is a sentence using the word propofol?

My mom keeps telling me to use propofol.

Is avelox a sulfa drug?

Levaquin belongs to group of Antibiotics called Quinolons. Levaquin is not a sulfa drug and you can safely take it if you have allergy to Sulfa. Its is contraindicated for use in pregnancy and lactating mothers. It is not recommended for paediatric use except in special circumferences like Plaque or Anthrax. Do not use if you have history of Tendinitis, or tendon rupture. Hope this help. J.Mirzaei M.D.

What drugs can you use instead of propofol?

Propofol is NOT a drug! It's anesthesia used in hospital operating rooms.

How do use allergy in a sentence?

She has an allergy to pet dander.

What are sulfa drugs?

One of the sulfonamides, the sulfa-related antibiotics which are used to treat bacterial and some fungal infections

How do you use allergy in a sentence?

she continues to sneeze because of her allergy to pollen

How long are sulfa pills safe and effective to use?

they are about 1.5cm long

Can propofol be used at home?

Propofol is primarily used via IV, either through an IV line or as a direct injection into the vein. Propofol is only indicated for hospital use. Two medical professionals are required to be present during administration, one to give the drug and the other to monitor vital signs which can fluctuate greatly. Propofol is a HIGHLY dangerous drug and cause severe side effects including death.

What is Propofol?

It's anesthesia used in hospital operating rooms. Since it's extremely dangerous to use, it has to be monitored.

Is propofol ok to use for insomnia?

Only if you don't want to wake up. Propofol is a powerful drug that should be only be administered by a doctor, or specially trained nurse, who is going to watch you carefully, and even then is only used for things like surgery.