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Q: Can you use paper instead of cloth for waxing?
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What can you use instead of paper?

You can simply use news paper slathered in butter . dont do that it will burn trust me lol

Instead of using I in a essay paper what word do you use?

Instead of using I in a essay paper what word do you use?

What can you use instead of plastic to your environment?

You Can Use Paper Bags Instead Of Plastic

What is paper bag made of?

Trees You should help save them and use a cloth tote.

How can you do to save trees?

First, WHAT can you do to save trees. -Don't use paper napkins. Use cloth napkins instead. -Use pencils made out of recycled paper, or recycled wood. -Use plastic bags. Better yet, use reusable bags. -Use a kindle or whatever you can use to read books, instead of reading out of paper books. These are a few ways to reduce the amount of trees you use. Saving trees directly depends on the tree, but some kinds of trees actually need cutting down.

Can using a cloth shopping bag instead of a paper bag conserve natural resources?

Yes, cloth or canvas bags cut down on the plastic shopping bags overfilling our landfills and trash centers. Any chance you have to use a cloth or canvas bag, use it. And know, you are assisting in cutting down on wasteful uses of natural resources, and protecting our environment.

What can you use instead of silver polish?

Rub with a cloth and baking soda (dry)

What can you use instead of baking paper for meringues?

Instead of baking paper, you can use nonstick cooking spray, wax paper, parchment paper, silicone sheets, or teflon. Some people would see baking paper and parchment paper as the same exact things.

Why did the ancient greek use papyrus instead of a newspaper?

Why did they use papyrus instead of PAPER? It's all they had.

How do you get a lot of dry glue out of carpets?

try placing of a piece of paper towel over the dried glue and running over it with a warm iron. The glue should be absorbed into the paper towel or use an old cloth instead of paper towel. This also works well for spilled and hardened wax from candles.

How do you have a paperless system?

use computers instead of paper

What type of paper did Shakespeare use?

Ordinary paper. It would have been heavier than most paper these days and probably with a higher content of cloth fibres.