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Yes, but depending on the remedy and the symptoms it may mask the effects. Follow your homeopath's advice and avoid what he or she tells you to.
A homoeopathic pharmacy will stock homoeopathic medicines whereas allopathic pharmacy will stock homoeopathic medicines. A pharmacist needs to have a license to stock either of the medicines. homeopathic medicine is the practice of treating a disease with small amounts of natural substances. usually things that would make a person sick in larger doses. allopathic medicine is the conventional medicine that is practiced by mainstream doctors. when you give medicine that will cause the opposite effect of the symptoms.
The primary difference in homeopathic and herbal medicine is that one gives the medicine in high quantities while the other administers it in a diluted form. Homeopathy was founded by a skilled physician called Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy is based on the philosophy that diluted forms of the medication will have an equal effect as that of the higher quantity. Herbal medicines have been used for thousands of years. Herbal medicine believes in using natural ingredients for the curing of various illnesses. Over half of conventional medicine today are based on recipes from herbal remedies. Chiropractic care a different branch of medicine altogether. It is a treatment approach involving the physical manipulation of ones muscles and joints to treat pain and disfunction (disability). The main focus of chiropractors is the spine.
Asthma Treatment is possible with Homeopathic Approach, well there are so many thoughts about Homeopathic Treatment. If you can add some views about Ashtma and Respiratory treatment.
In many cases herbal medicines are better for the environment than synthetic pharmaceuticals. However, large amounts of herbal medicines could also have a damaging impact. While natural is preferable for many reasons in most instances, care should still be exercised when using herbal products.
Homeopathy is reliable system of medicine as demonstrated by numerous scientific studies and millions of people worldwide who have personally benefitted from the efficiacy of homeopathic mdicine prescribed by homeopath physicians.
Long before conventional medicines were invented, there was homeopathic medicine. People have been using homeopathic remedies since time began. The Inca people made tea out of the bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae Tree and used it for ailments such as arthritis and fever. People in the Middle Ages used Quaker Bottoms from the Vomica Tree to aid with digestive problems and headaches. Native Americans used skunk cabbage for asthma, leaves of the creosote bush for bronchitis and yellow spine thistle blossoms for treating burns.Many people still prefer homeopathic remedies when possible. But how do we know what homeopathic remedies to use? There has been a tremendous comeback to homeopathic medicine. Because of this, many books have been written, stores have started offering homeopathic solutions and scores of online sites have started selling homeopathic products. There are even doctors who specialize in homeopathic treatments. With a little research, you too can try some homeopathic remedies. There is no reason to use prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicine at the first sign of discomfort. Many ailments do great with the use of homeopathic remedies.There is no cure for the common cold – that is a fact. But that does not mean that there should be no comfort for the common cold. One of the main complaints of people with a cold is a tickly throat. Those throat drops only work as long as you have one in your mouth. Gargling, on the other hand, helps the tickle go away for a while. Gargle with a tea that has tannin in it; the tannin tightens membranes and helps ease the tickle. Another solution is to sprinkle sugar on a half of a beet. Every time juice is produced, take a teaspoonful. The taste is sweet, it is non-addictive and throats are calmed.Other homeopathic remedies include hot liquid for congestion, cranberry juice for urinary tract infections, adding a can of evaporated milk into baths to ease itchiness, charcoal for poison ivy, chamomile tea for anxiety and ginger tea for stomach ailments. There are always several choices for the same ailments but with a little experimenting you will find the one that works for you.
Synthetic medicines are chemically created in a laboratory using artificial processes, while natural medicines are derived from plants, animals, or minerals. They may have similar chemical structures but can have different effects on the body due to variations in purity, potency, and potential side effects. Ultimately, both types of medicines can be effective depending on the specific condition being treated.
Good over-the-counter medicines include Tylenol and Aspirin which relieves pain while Advil and Motrin also are anti-inflammatory medicines. There are also the prescription pain relievers.
While there are several homeopathic treatments available for irritable bowel syndrome, it is not possible to say one is best. As various treatments are attempted, it is important to remember to try them one at a time to see what works best for an individual.
I read something a while back that it can, but I would be careful using herbal remedies they can interfere with medicines you are taking. Also, the FDA doesn't regulate the purity or manufacture of herbal items.
Aspirin, antihistamines, accutane, and some blood pressure medicines. There are more. You should check with your doctor before taking any over the counter medicines or perscriptions while pregnant :)