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Yes it works great put some on a cotton ball and leave it in your sock. It can burn and it is highly toxic but it works very fast. It is not recommended but it works within a day. It can burn like an acid it is a known carcinogen,a gas at room temp and not something you want to breathe at all. It kills everything. So can you yes should you no.

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Q: Can you use formaldehyde to treat your toe fungal infection?
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How do you heal a toe infection?

If you have a toe infection you should talk to your doctor...

Which infection is caused by fungus?

Athlete's foot is a fungal disease, mainly between the toes.

How do you get rid of mold in the human body?

Mold does not grow in the the human body. If you have a fungal infection in your finger or toe nails you need to buy some topical medicine.

How do you treat a buried swollen toe?

take your toe out of the dirt.

Why is my big toes toenail black and how to treat it?

This could be many different things. Let us start with the underlying health problems it could be, in the parentheses I will put how to treat it: anemia (eat more iron rich foods, iron supplements), diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease (for all of those please go to a doctor to treat it). It could also be a melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Some other things it could be: trauma or injury to the toe causing blood vessels to pop, a fungal infection underneath the toenail, if you stubbed your toe recently it might just be a bruise or broken toe. In those cases there is not much you can do. However if you suspect anything is wrong please go to the doctor. I'm not a medical professional and I do-not-know-you personally.

What is ungiectomy?

It is the removal of an infected toe nail, but there is no pain involved because the doctor deadens the feeling in the toe first. See the related link for a video of the process. CAUTION: It is graphic!

Would your Big Toe be infected if it's puffed out around the outside of the nail with extra skin that can be pulled off on the side and the nail is partly green?

It sounds like you have a fungal or bacterial infection. A doctor can prescribe oral or topical (cream) medication.

How do you get rid of toe fungal?

you put vinegar on it for about 2 months you put vinegar on it twice a day for about 2 months

Can an infection in toe cause it to eat bone dog?

An infection known as osteomyelitis can eat away at the bone of the dog. It can be contracted through the toe or any other part of the body. This occurs when the infection enters through an open wound.

If you broke your toe and left it untreated could it cause infection throughout your entire body like having intense cranial pressure that feels like a sinus infection with no infection present?

Broken toes are usually very minor injuries and there are usually very few complications. If you break your toe and leave it untreated, it usually cannot cause infection throughout your entire body. However, open or compound toe fractures have the potential to cause infection because there is a break in the skin and the bone is exposed. Open toe fractures must be treated to prevent infection and can only be treated by a physician using antibiotics and surgery. If you have an open toe fracture or are worried about the possibility of infection, you need to see a physician as soon as possible.

What does it mean if your toe turns green?

I think that is an infection called ganggreen

What is the treatment for onychomycosis?

Onychomyosis is a fungal nail infection more commonly referred to as toe fungus. Fungus grows in warm, damp places and under toenails is the perfect place. Fungus gets under the nail if it damaged, cut too short or through an ingrown toenail. From there, the fungus grows causing discolored nails, crumbling or cracking nails and/or the nail to entirely lift off the nail bed. If you catch the toe fungus early, you can treat it with topical creams or treatments. There are several on the market. If the toe fungus is bad enough, your doctor may want to remove the toenail completely so topical medicines can get directly at the infection. This is rare and only used as a last resort. There are also prescription medications like Lamasil. This medications have some very severe side effects and your doctor should test you to make sure you do not have liver problems before taking these prescriptions. Make sure you tell your doctor your complete history and all medications you are taking since the anti-fungal prescriptions are very serious. The longer the infection goes without treatment, the more difficult it will be to eliminate so it's important to treat them right away. Start with an over the counter topical treatment. If that isn't working well for you, see your doctor.