It will help to cool the person but it will not of its self break the fever, that is done by the persons' immune system (perhaps with the aid of medical drugs).
put a cold rag on your face
If it is old and not wearable, it comes in handy as a rag.
Just put a rag over the connection and break the connection and let the rag absorb the fuel.
what can cure a fever is that you can put a cold rag on what parts of your body is warming up or you can take a nice long nap with peace and quiet you might have to see a doctor if it lasts for days.
cold rag on the head, not too cold, for the rashes, i would use some calamine lotion, it will take away the itch
Giving a wet rag on his forehead will do nicely. Go to your local drug store and ask what is right for your child's symptoms.
Only with a duster or a light weight rag because if you use water or a wet wipe - then it will break
Breathing through a rag or a wet rag can help. So can dropping to the floor and crawling. Smoke, as with hot gases, tends to rise.
a cool rag on the back of the neck, air movement across the damp skin, slowly drinking cool water, not ice water as may cause shock to your throat.
The past tense for "ring out the rag" is "rang out the rag."
The Rag ended in 1977.