Urinate, sweat, salivate/expectorate
Eggs, urine and feces are all evacuated through the same oriface which is referred to as a cloaca.
It is possible but not recommended. Urine contains bacteria, by urinating in someone's anus, your urine will travel down that person's digestive system and be absorbed into the bloodstream via the intestines, potentially giving the sexual partner a serious infection. Have sex normally.
Ants excrete waste through their digestive system, releasing it as feces through an opening called the anal opening or anus. The process is similar to how other insects and animals excrete waste.
cows are like a dog, they sweat by persprating on their nose.
It is not safe or hygienic to pee in your partner's anus. This practice can introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infection for both partners. It is important to communicate openly and seek out safe and consensual sexual practices with your partner.
how much do we urinate
if you urinate on it then it will turn yellow except if i were to urinate on it i cant urinate
Puppies already know how to poop. Edit: The original answer is incorrect. Puppies need stimulation to poop and urinate when they are first born. Typically the mother will lick the puppy to get it to urinate or poop, but if the owner needs to assist then you can use a warm paper towel on their stomach and anus to get them to use the bathroom. This is very important until they can do it on their own, which is about 2 weeks after birth typically.