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Yes, so don't touch it.

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Q: Can you untwist your bellybutton to make it open and stuff comes out?
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Related questions

How does god make a bellybutton?

A bellybutton is the result of the umbilical cord being cut and tied off. God does not make them.

Is it true pushing on your bellybutton will make you pee?

it can, if you have to pee

Can getting your bellybutton pierced make you hungry all the time?

Why would you think this? Having your bellybutton pierced externally will no effect your stomach which is internal.

What is the jingle that goes it's where the real stuff comes from?

no,this is not real people just make up stuff

Is there a way to pierce your bellybutton with out really pierceing it?

This doesn't make any sense.

What is the white stuff that comes out of your boyfriends penis when he gets excited?

Semen. That is what can make you pregnant.

How do you make a sex?

Just stick your dingling in her youwho and stuff comes out and you can put it anywhere she wants you to put it.

What are the attacks of Alien X?

He can dream stuff in his mind and it comes real. He can also make this suoersonic wave.

How do you make methane in laboratories?

You don't need to. That's the stuff that comes from gas taps or your gas cooker. That's like saying "how do you make water in labs?"

Do cheerleaders have to take out their bellybutton piercing at competitions?

Nope, They have to wear them, to make them look like a bunch of slags. hope this helped.

What is a good invention that kids can make?

You can buy a game called "brain box" which allows kids to make radios and other exciting stuff. It comes with a manual to tell you how to make it. Have fun!!!

What materials are used to make a ball shooter?

you need a mechanical pencil and just UNtwist the tip and take it off then pull the rest of the pencil and pull it out the back and then you will have a tube.