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Q: Can you take your seriquell cant sleep but took one exstacypill you need sleep and wanting to know if the mixure?
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What does it mean when your grandmother screams your name in their sleep?

She is wanting that action!

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What does it mean when your always sad and wanting to sleep?

both are classic symptoms of clinical depression

How do you get used to sleeping out rather than wanting to go home?

when you get tied enough you fall a sleep.

What is sleepy as a verb?

Sleepy as a verb is the act of becoming drowsy or feeling the need to rest or sleep. It describes the state of feeling tired or wanting to go to sleep.

How could sleep patterns be a roadblock to learning?

If you go to sleep late at night you end up getting up for school tired and wanting to sleep in class. If you go to sleep early and get up in a good mood then you will want to do your work or be more into doing your work then you would if you were tired.

What are the characteristics of type 1 diabetes?

turning various colors on body; wanting to sleep after eating a meal; frequent urination

When a guy offers you to sleep in the same bed as him?

He is either 1) very lonely and wants company or more likely 2) wanting to get you naked.

Is waking up during night not wanting to sleep and being insanely thirsty pregnancy signs?

No it sounds like diabetes. Go to your Doctor.

What does the hypothalamus conrol?

The hypothalamus is the part of your brain responsible for making hormones. These hormones regulate many processes in the body such as wanting to sleep, eat, and drink.

What do you do if you find out your friend is lesbian and secretly wishes to make love to you?

Do it or don't. She is still your friend. It is no different than a man you find unattractive wanting to sleep with you.

What is one disadvantage of sharing a bed with someone?

For example, if a person has a problem with wanting their own personal space and the bed either being big or small but the person moves a lot in their sleep then it may interrupt the partner's sleep and thus being uncomfortable.