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I would not recomend it, but it depends on the mg of the trazy and the other sleep aid. I have a friend who takes trazadone and that knocks him out. so maybe if you take that and a sleep aid it might be to much for your body to handle.. Be careful. these drugs arnt to be messed with.

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Q: Can you take trazadone and over the counter sleep aid together?
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Does over the counter sleep aid cause weight gain?

No, over the counter sleep aids will not cause weight gain.

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Over-the-counter all you are going to get is diphenhydramine or melatonin.

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What are some brands of OTC sleep aids?

One of the most popular over-the-counter Sleep Aid is ibuprofhen. Some other over-the-counter brands of Sleep Aids include Diphenhydramine, Doxylamine and Acetomenophen.

I can't sleep now what should I do?

You could take over-the- counter sleep aids to help you sleep if you are having trouble and can't sleep.

What are over-the-counter options concerning sleep aids?

Some over-the-counter sleep aid options include Melatonin, Valerian, Doxylamine and Diphenhydramine. Some of these medications are better known by their brand names such as Benadryl and Unisom.

What are treatments for people with sleep disorders?

Minor sleep disorders can be treated with over the counter sleep aids, but more serious disorders are treatable with melatonin.

How do you remove tiredness?

Sleep! Or Try Nytol. Can be purchased over-the-counter XO,XO

What medicine makes you sleep at night?

Ambien is a prescription medication that is used for sleeping. ZzzQuil is an over the counter medication that will help you to sleep. You can also try Melatonin as a natural sleep remedy.

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can i take over the counter sleep aids with celexa

Can you take Wellbutrin and over the counter sleeping medicines?

Most over the counter sleep medications contain diphenhydramine. Wellbutrin has been shown to increase the available levels of diphenhydramine in the system. This is a combination which should be discussed with your doctor.

What drug puts a person into a deep sleep for a long time?

Over the counter products such as Benedryl or Nightquil can put you to sleep for various amounts of time depending on the amount of consumption.