No, you should not attempt to remove Mirena yourself. The way it is placed in the uterus makes the arms on the top come out. If you were to pull to try to remove it yourself, you could risk tearing your cervical tissue. If you would like your IUC removed, simply ask your healthcare provider who put it in, and it shouldn't cost more than a normal office visit to have it removed.
When the health care provider removes an IUD, s/he just pulls gently and steadily on the strings until the IUD comes out. The arms on the top fold up to turn the "T" into a more-or-less straight line.
It's been done before, but I wouldn't recommend it. The strings are slipperly, and if you get it only partway out, you will be very uncomfortable. See your health care provider. The process takes less than 3 minutes from start to finish.
If you think you're pregnant on Mirena, take a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy symptoms are not a normal side effect of Mirena removal. Take a pregnancy test.
I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad time with the Mirena. I too had the Mirena and experienced the same issues as yourself over an 8 month period. It turned out that I had several oversized Fibroids and the Mirena did not help with the stemming of heavy bleeding. I had my Mirena removed and subsequently the Fibroids - best thing I ever did. I know they say it can work instantly or may take a couple of months, but it depends on how long you want to continue with things they way they are. Good luck with which ever dicision you make.
Yes sure can
Mirena does not cause infections.
The cast of Mirena - 2012 includes: Susanne Strach as Mirena
No, Mirena does not prevent chlamydia.
Have the Mirena removed, and then have intercourse.
There are no known drug interactions between prednisone and Mirena. Few medications affect Mirena.
There are no metal parts in Mirena.
Mirena is an intrauterine device that prevents unwanted pregnancies.