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You may take any medication after it's expiration date. The reason medications have an expiration date is because after that date they are less potent (in other words, they don't work as well.) This does NOT mean you can take more because it is less potent. Most drugs often have a limit to how many should be taken because anymore will not help. For example, if Drug A says to take 1 tablet, 2 tablets if needed means that 1 tablet should suffice, but 2 tablets will work better in certain cases. Taking anymore than 2 will not help you, and often the more you take the more you poison yourself. So be aware that you can take it, just don't take more than recommended.

NOT TRUE!!! Some medicines can change form over time and become toxic, meaning they can kill you! Ask your pharmacist. Be wary (cautious) of a statement that uses absolutes (any, all, never, etc.). Rules rarely apply 100% of the time.

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Q: Can you take strepsils after expiration date?
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