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Together? That is a Big NO! No. Benadryl and hydroxyzine are both antihistamines. Hydroxyzine is prescribed by your doctor only ; it has a more potent effect that increase the chances of drowsiness. You can take one or the other -not both- when symptoms are present.

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Use POWER 10-D. It is 100% natural. Aloe Vera Gel is also really good for a sunburn. For the itching use Apple Cider Vinegar, you may smell like a salad bar at Denny's but it works and will take the itching away in minutes. Or you can use Motrin because it's a inflammatory but that will take about forty minutes if you take two if you take four or five which I'm not recommending the itching will go away in fifteenth minutes. From my own personal experience i had it bad and calimine(pink kind clear didnt do anything) would work after a few mins of rubbing it in good and that worked on my chest but i had to use benydral gel for my back i never tried aloe vera but that's what comes up alot when i was looking for what would stop me from near killing myself

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The use of Take Take is confusing.

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The future tense of the verb take is will take.

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Hillsong - Take It All.

Which is correct take out or take away?

take away

What is a sentence for take?

you can not take anything. He told me " take me or leave me."

What songs have the word take?

Take Five Take Me to the Pilot Take Good Care of my Baby Takea Letter Maria Take it Easy

What is the tense of take?

Take is in the present tense. You can take my word for that.

Is take a?

Yes, since you can take something, take is a verb.

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How do you say the word take in spanish?

tomar is to take but you have to conjugate it according to who is doing the action i take- tomo we take- tomamos you take- tomas he/she/it takes- toma they/you guys take- toman