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yes but you will die of aids and cancer

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Q: Can you take a one a day vitamin twice a day?
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Can you take bystolic twice per day?

I just started on Bystolic. My doctor wants me to take 5mg every morning for one week then start taking 5mg twice a day, morning and evening. So apparently one can take Bystolic twice a day. Unless my doctor is a quack.

Is take one twice a day good grammar?

'Take one twice a day' is acceptable, though it feels a little clumsy. 'Take one twice each day' is perhaps better English.You could avoid the awkward feel of the phrase by adding a comma: 'Take one, twice a day' might do the trick.Or, if in doubt, you can always rephrase or alter a word. In this case, you could say, 'Take one twice-daily', or 'Take one, twice daily'; both would be fine provided you use either the dash or the comma.Rephrasing is frequently a good way to go and can save a great deal of time and thought, as can attention to the possibilities of punctuation.

Is it ok to take one a day twice daily?

Before you go off to taking one-a-day vitamin pills twice, or maybe even three times a day, consider: are you a competitive athlete? do you lack nutritional values throughout day day's meals? If any of the above are true, than yes, it is ok to take it twice a day. The reason is 1. if you're a competitive athlete, you're abusing your body, and vitamins and minerals will not only help your body recover, but will prevent sickness as well also, 2. if you lack nutrition, which many people do, then taking two will make up for the lack of elements your body is missing. Note, regardless of being a competitive athlete or an unhealthy dieter, you can still take one-a-day pills twice a day; however, your body will remove any excess elements, and having too much of one element could also be dangerous for your body. Keep this in mind as taking all vitamin pills over the recommended dose.

Can you take more than one vitamin?

you shouldnot take more than one vitamin a day because most vitamins contain iron which is very dangerous if overdosed and can result in death

How often do you take nitric oxide - just one the days you work out or every day?

While the directions say to take it every day, twice a day, I take it once a day on non-workout days and twice a day on workout days. This way I'm stimulating the amount of nitrous oxide in my system continuously. I seem to have the same results as when I took it twice a day on non-workout days.

What does taking 1 tablet twice a day mean?

It means take one tablet by mouth twice a day. Since a day is 24 hours, dividing that by two means one tablet every 12 hours.

What does it mean take one tablet by mouth twice daily for 7 days?

It means just what is says. Swallow one tablet (pill) orally twice each day for 7 days. Twice each day would be like with breakfast and then with dinner. So you take two pills (tablets) each day, one in the morning and another in the evening. Some medications require that they be taken with food.

Can you take Prozac and Ativan at the same time?

Yes. My doctor prescribed 0.5 Ativan one twice a day and Prozac 20MG one every AM. Yes. My doctor prescribed 0.5 Ativan one twice a day and Prozac 20MG one every AM. Yes. My doctor prescribed 0.5 Ativan one twice a day and Prozac 20MG one every AM.

Is it you brush your tooth twice a day or you brush your teeth twice a day?

Teeth, you wouldnt just brush one tooth twice a day?

Should a person taking warfarin take centrum vitamin?

It is better to discuss with your doctor. However, while I was doing my research the multivitamins that I found without vitamin K is "One a Day: Essential".

Can you only take one vitamin per day instead of three the direction call for three?

You can but you won't receive the full benefit.