yes you can. they Diazepam(valium) and Venafaxeline(Effexor) have no conflict with eachother.
However, they both effect your blood pressure a bit, so if you are on both of these, DEFFINANTLY avoid alcohol...
Ecstasy is best done alone. Other drugs can reduce its effects, or, worse, the interaction between them could put you in the hospital or even kill you.
Every Ecstasy pill is different. Most Ecstasy pills are not pure Ecstasy, or MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, which is both a hallucinogen and a stimulant of the amphetamine class). Most often, they are cut with some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines) but they can be cut with myriad other drugs as well.
So, Ecstasy is itself a stimulant (an amphetamine, more commonly called speed), and it is most often cut with other kinds of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines). Valium is a depressant. If a stimulant and a depressant are taken together in small doses, they will tend to balance each other out. Taken in larger doses, however, they can cause heart failure.
If the Ecstasy you're taking is not cut with another stimulant, but with a depressant, then taking Valium on top of it could cause you to pass out and stop breathing, or put you into a coma.
In short, you are much better off taking the Ecstasy alone, without any other drug, especially since you can never be 100% sure what's in the pill you're taking. If you are having trouble sleeping later (like, 6 or 7 hours after taking the Ecstasy), after the high has worn off, you can take a small dose of Valium to help you sleep. Just be sure you do not take any other depressants (like alcohol) along with the Valium.
There are countless different kinds of Ecstasy. An Ecstasy pill is rarely pure Ecstasy (MDMA). Usually, Ecstasy pills are cut with another drug or drugs. Most often, they are cut with some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines), but they can also be cut with cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or heroin or other opiates.
Unless you buy a pill-testing kit, there is no way to really know what's in the Ecstasy you are taking. Because of that, the safest course of action is to take Ecstasy alone, without any other drugs (with the exception of marijuana -- marijuana goes well with Ecstasy, as well as most other drugs). Since you can't really know what's in an Ecstasy tablet, you can't know whether or not Valium is safe to take with it.
MDMA is itself a stimulant, so when it is mixed with other stimulants (speed, cocaine) its stimulant effects become even more powerful. Valium is a depressant. Mixing stimulants and depressants is very hard on your heart, and can lead to a heart attack. Opiates and ketamine are depressants, and when you take one depressant (Valium) on top of another, you put yourself at risk of falling asleep and never waking up (overdose).
Most people experience what is called a "comedown" after taking Ecstasy. When the effects start to wear off (after about 4 to 6 hours), you feel wired, anxious, irritable, and generally unhappy. In order to soften the comedown, many people take Valium or Xanax when they are coming down off Ecstasy. In that case, a very small amount of Valium is probably okay to take.
The other problem is that taking other drugs, while on Ecstasy, can kill your Ecstasy high. For example, if you drink alcohol or snort cocaine while on Ecstasy, the effects of the Ecstasy will mostly disappear, and you will only be able to feel the effects of the alcohol/cocaine. I don't know for certain whether or not benzodiazepines (Valium and Xanax) will kill your Ecstasy high, but it is certainly a possibility.
As I said, the safest course of action is to just take the Ecstasy alone, or to take only one small-sized (5 to 10 mgs) Valium pill after 6 hours, when the effects are wearing off. If you are really determined to take Valium while you are high on Ecstasy, then at the very least, take tiny amounts of it. Take a small piece of a pill, and wait 30 to 40 minutes to see how you feel. If you feel okay, you can try taking another very small piece. Whatever you do, do not take more than a normal dose of the Valium.
Can I take morphine and valium together
can i take maca and valium
Yes, I am a pharmacy tech and it is perscribed all the time.
It will counteract the diazepam (Valium )
Yes, Valium can safely be taken with the antihistamine Claritin.
You can take Valium, with Lithium, when prescribed by your physician. Metaxalon and Valium, both are a muscle relaxants. They should not be prescribed together. Hydrocodone and Valium, both are sedatives. They should not be prescribed together.
Whoever you are, you should not be taking ecstasy, no matter when.
There is no guaranteed way to take Ecstasy safely, with or without a history of ulcers.
Yes. You can take them together.
Yes. You can take them together.
Can you take Diazepam with concussion.