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Yes, 2 probiotics each day will not harm you in any way (except for an allergic reaction)!!

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Q: Can you take 2 probiotics each day?
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Hi, you can take it anytime of day, as long as you take it the same time each day. Try to take it when you do a certain activity so you remember, like if you go to work the same time each day. I take mine at around 2pm as that's when i come in from work. If you do forget to take it, take it as soon as you remember as its better than not taking it at all, but don't ever take 2 pills on the same day, if you miss a dose you will just need to talk to your doc.

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Yes that window of time is fine. The window of time is between 2-6 hours.

Missing the first pill in second week are you covered as normal?

NO if you missed the first pill of your second week you need to take 2 pills for each day that you skipped the pill. if you missed more than one day in between pills take 2 pills then one a day for a week so that you are protected again