possible pancreatis
brain, heart,lungs, pancreatis, spleen, liver, kidneys
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and it is a very serious condition. Yes, you can die from pancreatitis if it is severe enough and not treated in time.
Possible pancreatis, go to vet, do not feed fats, bones or alot of protein. Call the vet
reduce fat in diet, no bones, signs of pancreatis, how old is dog? does dog vomit alot? 11.5 years , no
The medical term pertaining to the pancreas is "pancreatic" or "pancreatitis", which refers to inflammation of the pancreas.
How long has this been going on? I'd go to the vet could be pancreatis.
The future tense of "survive" is "will survive" or "shall survive."
C(7,2)*(.9)^5*(.1)^2, or about .124 = 12.4% For the desired outcome, considering the seven patients, you need: (Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Die,Die) (Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Die,Survive,Die) (Survive,Survive,Survive,Die,Survive,Survive,Die) . . . (Die,Die,Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive,Survive) There are C(7,2) [the number of combinations of 7 things taken 2 at a time] = 21 possible desired outcomes. The probability of each of these outcomes is (.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.1)*(.1). Multiplying 21 by (.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.9)*(.1)*(.1) yields the answer.
They basically do what humans do to survive. Like humans need to eat to survive and we also need to sleep to survive.
rawhide sticks will do it, i don't feed them anymore, vomiting alot could be sign of pancreatis, go to vet, do not feed any fats or bones.