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If by "relationship", you mean you are in a committed romantic relationship with someone else, then of course you can. The key is to find a balance of time between your significant other and your friends. If you schedule a date night with your significant other on Friday night, go out with your friends Saturday night. Or, better yet, you can introduce your date to your friends, and you can all hang out together! It is very simple to keep your friends, but you must put in the effort.

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Q: Can you still keep your friends while having a relationship?
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It depends on how the relationship ended. If it was a mutual thing, then it shouldn't be a problem, but I would set guidelines on what you're comfortable talking to each other about...some subjects might be a little awkward. If he/she doesn't think you can be friends after a relationship, suggest trying it out for a little while and if it still doesn't work, respect the fact that they don't want to be friends.

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She may still harbor feelings for her, and obviously feels guilt for having contact with her while being in a relationship with you.

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It is good. Try it!

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Friends have a platonic relationship while couples have a romantic relationship.

You brokeup with ex and then you met a wonderful person and became friends for a while n then dated and then brkup still have feelins You are friends How can you get him back if he says he cant commit?

you should start hanging out with him or her and dont rush into the relationship again just relax .