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Is your boyfriend Jacob then no

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Q: Can you still get prega when ya boyfriend has low sperm mobility?
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What is an old fashion word for a boyfriend?

Boyfriend is boyfriend.

My boyfriend ejacultion sperms looks like pre-ejaculate can i still get pregnant?

tell your boyfriend to go to a sperm clinic and get tested if this is something that are both interested in. good luck :)

If your boyfriend came on the pregnancy test then you peed on it are you still pregnant?

This seems like an unlikely occurrence. Still, because pregnancy tests work based on HcG, a hormone made by women during pregnancy, and do not test for sperm, they would be no reason that your boyfriend's ejaculate would influence the outcome of the test.

Your boyfriend spermed on your top half of your body you had jeans on Then about 5 minutes later you had a shower is it possible the sperm entered into your vagina and got you pregnant?

Very unlikely but the chance is still there.

Can you still get pregnant if your partner has lumpy sperm with jelly like things in it?

probally, its still sperm.

What if your ex boyfriend still likes you a lot but you have a boyfriend but you kinda still like your ex what do you do?

just tell your new boyfriend that you still have feelings for your ex and tell your ex that you have a new boyfriend if they really care about you they will understand

Can you still have a boyfriend even when you is eleven and still in fourtg grade?

Yes you can have a boyfriend at Any age

Your partner can use the sperm which you left in condoms to get pregnant?

Yes. It is still viable sperm and can still get people pregnant if they try.

How can you get over your ex boyfriend if you still love him and he still loves you but it's just not going to work?

Get a new boyfriend!

Am and cristan13 can you still have a boyfriend?

Yes. You van have a boyfriend but no sexual involvement.

What does it mean when a new boyfriend dreams about your ex boyfriend?

you still love her

Can she still get pregnant if the condom ripped on the side?

Yes she can because some sperm can still escpae even if it is a small amount. With sperm a small amount would be like a million, and a million sperm still has a good chance of fertilizing her egg. So yes she can still get pregnent