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You don't, for it to be effective for smoking you would have to convert it to its freebase (AKA Crack) which is a chemical process usually involving baking soda and heated water.

Smoking cocaine in its powdered form would be ineffective in terms of achieving a level of intoxication.

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Q: Can you smoke powder cocaine out of a crack pipe?
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Is cocaine used with a spoon?

No. You use a crack pipe to smoke rock cocaine. A spoon is used for substances you inject. Heroin comes directly to the minds of most people, but the spoon is very versatile. You can inject and use a spoon for cocaine, but not for his brother crack. Actually a spoon is used for many that cook cocaine into it's crack form. It cooks out most of the cut used in cocaine and leaves a rock if done correctly.

Can cocaine show up as meth on a drug screen?

If the crack pipe was used to smoke Meth, then yes. Otherwise, Cocaine and meth are completely different drugs. Meth would show up as an amphetamine, and cocaine shows up in a separate test just for it.

What do you smoke out of a copper pipe?

Coke, crack, meth.

Can you smoke crack out of a spoon?

You can smoke it with a spoon or on a piece of foil by heating beneath the metal and using a straight pipe to suck in the fumes. During this process some of the smoke is lost; it is more efficient to use a crack pipe.

How is crack made?

Crack is made by mixing cocaine and baking soda. Then it is boiled into paste and hardens and chips into rocks and then smoked through a crack pipe.

What object is used to smoke bath salts out of?

A crack pipe...dopey!

What is a drug pipe?

Almost all. Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine Crack are just a few examples.

What was the original purpose for crack cocaine?

Sometime in the late 1970s, somebody figured out that if you boil cocaine with baking soda and other household chemicals, it produces a rock-like substance that burns at a lower temperature than regular cocaine. This substance is "crack." Since crack burns at a lower temperature than regular cocaine, it is easier to smoke. And, since crack is essentially nothing more than diluted cocaine, it can be sold at a cheaper price than regular cocaine. The cheap price is what caused the crack epidemic in the 1980s, as people who normally would not have been able to afford the steep price of a cocaine addiction could now get high every day for cheap. That is, essentially, the reason it was invented: cocaine is expensive. A cheaper form of cocaine garners more customers. For example, say a cocaine dealer has 50 regular customers who buy from him every day, and 200 other customers who only buy from him once a month, because they can't afford to buy cocaine every day. Now, say the dealer starts selling crack cocaine, as well as regular cocaine. Now he has 50 customers who buy cocaine from him every day, and 200 other customers who now buy crack from him every day (instead of buying regular cocaine from him once a month).

What causes white puffing smoke from a diesel engine?

The cause of white puffing smoke in a diesel is the crack pipe ventilator seal. Fix that it keeps the crack inside.

What is a crack pipe?

A pipe which believe or not crack is smoked out of!

If pressure is applied to the top of a pipe where would the pipe crack?

Granted that the force was enough to crack the pipe, it would crack in the middle.

How come Whitney Houston wasn't buried with her crack pipe?

Her family planned the funeral, and it is doubtful that they wanted her remembered only as an addict. She was an excellent vocalist who had many hit songs, and they probably wanted to remember her for the good she did, rather than just for the mistakes she made. Some people need to get their life in order, learn to read cocaine and crack are two different things. Whitney did not do "crack" nor did she smoke from a crack pipe. Geez have some respect. Would you be offened by me asking why are you so dumb for asking a question about her business that you did not research or read on instead of minding your own? #Get your life in order!