Marijuana is actually bad for your kidneys... So if you have a kidney infection, I would leave the marijuana and your kidneys be. Let you kidneys heal.
Last I heard, he has stopped taking serious drugs and been taking Marijuana.
Michael Phelps (smoked marijuana )
If they're testing for drugs then yes.
Only if it is legal to smoke it where you are without other drugs. If so you need to check with your physician.
No not EVEN Marijuana! No not EVEN Marijuana!
You can mix marijuana with most every drug. In fact, I do not know of any medications/drugs that are dangerous to take with marijuana.
Janis Joplin was a hippie, and being a product of her time, experimented with all kind of drugs. She was known for taking drugs such as marijuana, LSD, and opiates. At the end of her life, Joplin was addicted to heroin and her death was caused by an overdose of it.
Yes, drug screenings do look specifically for drugs such as marijuana.
That would be inadvisable, as it's very unlikely that the manufacturer has tested for side effects of his medicine together with illegal recreational drugs.
Depending on how serious the infection is it can cause disease, however if it is caught early, as they usually are and treated there are few risks. If it escalates it can lead to issues as bad as a failed kidney. That is worst case scenario however and not very likely.
Yes, you can. To my knowledge, there aren't any drugs or medications that you can't take with marijuana. Marijuana's physical effects on the body are minimal. Since it is a mild hallucinogen, rather than a stimulant or depressant, it does not affect your central nervous system the way most other drugs do.
Marijuana isn't considered a 'gate-way' drug, such as cannabis, however the concept of intoxication through drugs can be encouraged from taking any recreational drug. A gate-way drug is a drug that is proven to lead onto the use of other hard drugs, such as heroin.