boil the potato a little bit first... not for long. then cut the potato in half, put it on your wrist and keep it on overnight. in the morning take it off, and hit it with a spoon.
Really hard
Use a hammer to hit it harder. why u wanna break ur wrist?
go really high on the swing, let go, and fall of with your palm facing up and baboom it will break
The potatoes soften your bones and the spoon cracks it. It DOES work
Hitting your hand too hard is unlikely to break your wrist. However, it can cause bruising or swelling in the area. To break your wrist from an impact, it would usually require a significant force or direct blow to the wrist itself.
in Las Vegas
If you are referring to closing the cylinder of a revolver by "flicking" your wrist. it will increase wear on the weapon, and CAN break parts.
potato amalayze- an enzyme that is in saliva to break down starch into sugar- would break down the potato in your mouth!
Slam it in the fridge door.
your wrist
No i don't think so but i know that potatoes can break your wrist