no, because it might make you sick through your pores
Actually there is tattoo ink available now that does glow in the dark. It is very luminescent under a black light. I have a friend who is a tattoo artist, and she has done several of these tattoos, they appear exactly like any other tattoo...until you see them under a black light. It's actually very cool. I have lots of tats, but none of this nature. I don't plan to get any, but I certainly feel that they are safe.
If it doesn't say not to on the warnings it's fine
Glow sticks will show up better if you put them in the dark instead of leaving them in the light. Glow sticks are activated by breaking the tube inside and shaking them.
put acne creme on, let it dry, and then put on dove energy glow.
Yes, if you don't put a flash light in ur mouth it doesn't glow. So..I am deciding not to get glow in the dark braces cuz its a lot of work to even get them to glow.
bioluminescence. Chemicals in their skin.
E.T is a dark skin couler with a bright orange and yellow glow in his tummy
yes first put baking soda the pee in it then put uranium it then put the cap back on then shake it really fast throw it then it shall glow
No, Glow in the Dark Silly Bandz are neat because the glow in the dark!
I'm not sure if they make glow in the dark, but they make neon and if that is not good enough, you can buy glow in the dark fabric paint and turn them glow in the dark by yourself. they will be your custom designed glow in the dark converse if you do it by yourself
Glow sticks will stain your hair, clothes, and skin. (It is non-toxic, though). After a while, it will wash off.
Yes, it actually does glow in the dark. It says that the rescue me is the glow in the dark.
You can simply wear a makeup that will make your skin glow; however, be sure to moisturize with a light, oil-free product & make sure everything you put on your face is natural.