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Q: Can you put deodorant on your feet to stop foot odor?
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What is antiperspirants?

Antiperspirants are designed to stop perspiration, which you know as sweat. Deodorants are designed to stop the odor of perspiration, which you know as stink. What you know as deodorant is usually a combination of deodorant and antiperspirant.

Why do you only sweat when you apply deodorant?

Sweating is a natural bodily function controlled by the sweat glands, not by deodorants. Deodorants only mask body odor and do not stop sweating. When you apply deodorant, it may create a barrier that blocks sweat odor, but it doesn't stop you from sweating altogether.

What causes a fishy smell on old deodorant?

A bacterial infection usually causes a fishy odor, but it can be cured with . Deodorant kills only bacteria to stop the sweat from stinking specially most men not to take care own body.

What is a good way to stop foot odder with out special creams?

Lick the odor off :)

What is the difference between anti-perspirant and deodorant?

Antiperspirant prevents perspiration (sweating). Deodorant prevents odor.Antiperspirants contain fragrance, but they also contain chemical compounds that block the pores to stop the discharge of perspiration. No sweat, no odor.Deodorant allows the release of perspiration, but prevents odor by combating it with antiseptic agents, which kill odor-causing bacteria.

What happens when you sniff deodorant out of a towel?

My son is sniffing deodorant . How can to stop it

What is deodorant actually doing to your underarms to stop the smell?

The smell mainly comes from bacteria ("clean", fresh sweat doesn't have much of an odor). So one tactic is to kill, or at least inhibit the growth of, bacteria. Deodorant/antiperspirants work by stopping the sweat glands from working in the first place: if there's no (or at least less) sweat for the bacteria to work on, then that's going to help control the odor as well. Finally, there are those that just cover it up with perfume. Many brands of deodorant use some combination of the three approaches.

How can you stop body odors?

Use deodorant or cologne.

How do you stop getting swet marks?

Wear deodorant.

If you use a lot of deodorant will you still sweat?

Yes, using a lot of deodorant will not necessarily stop you from sweating. Deodorants work by reducing odor-causing bacteria on your skin, but they do not prevent sweating. Antiperspirants, on the other hand, contain aluminum compounds that can help reduce sweating by blocking sweat glands.

How do you stop chemical body odor caused by medication?

To reduce chemical body odor caused by medication, try showering daily, using antibacterial soap, wearing breathable clothing, and applying a natural deodorant. If the odor persists, consult a healthcare professional to explore alternative medication options or treatments.

How do you remove foot odor from Ecco rubber soled sport sandals?

I use Tea Tree Spray in my shoes when I take them off at night. I have terrible trouble with foot odour but this seems to do the trick. If you have foot odor, then you have yeast growing on the skin of your feet. Go buy a tube of Monistat cream (yes, the vaginal cream for yeast infection), wash your feet before you go to bed at night, slather the cream all over your feet, inbetween your toes and put socks on for the night. Do this for one week and you will put a stop to your stinking feet. The doctor suggested this for my son when he said his shoes smelled so bad he had to keep them outside the house. That was 20 years ago and he hasn't had a problem since!!