Some stressful activities are known to, under some circumstances, to "pop your cherry," such as sports. As for an intentional way, one could have surgery or just have sex.
The "Cherry" is in a womans vagina and can only be popped if she still has her virginity, and after she looses it to you, her "cherry pops" -x-x-x- I have heard it used the other way around
Yes it can - you are technically not a virgin if you have used a tampon. Therefore a tampon can 'pop your cherry'.
The expression to stealing a womens virginity is often referred to as "popping a cherry". So the expression "save a cherry pop a collar" is implying it is better to pop a collar rather than a cherry ;]
at any age as long as Ur ready to handle the consequences
I'm not sure :\
that depends on what type of cherry it is ?? a bing cherry, black cherry , marrachino cherry??? , id stay away from the choke cherries if I were you
No. Once a woman's hymen, or "cherry", has been torn through intercourse it is very rare for it to regenerate.
A girl's "cherry is popped" when she has sex with a man for the first time.
A girl's "cherry is popped" when she has sex with a man for the first time.
when you pop your cherry you feel pain and you bleed