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Accually, Only if you pinch them in there pressure points. They might faint. Other than that, No.

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Q: Can you pinch someone to make them faint?
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How can someone faint?

Someone can faint if they don't eat and drink enough water. You can also faint if you sing and you lock you legs together. When you hear some bad news, that can also make you faint

How can you pinch someone's ear and make them relaxed?

this is some info:to make someone relax by pinching their ear, you must pinch, pull and hold their ear lobe and tell them to take a deep breath. When puling the ear lobe, you must not pull too hard, as this can be painful.hope this helps :)

Is it possible to make yorself faint?

yes it is possible to make yourself faint

What happen if you pinch someone who is wearing green on Saint Patrick's Day?

They get to pinch you back!

When you pinch someone do you get canceer?

no you do not get or give cancer from pinching someone.

Will someone pinch me?

Well, with this stupid question... someone might just will.

How many times can you pinch someone on Saint Patrick's Day?

You can pinch one person until they get green on

How many words can you get out of Pinch?

Words that I can make from the letters in 'pinch' are:chichinchiphihichipIininchnippipin

How do you make a person faint for a little time?

you make them faint , by pushing somewhere around there collarbone . (x

Is it possible for someone to make you faint by touching your inner elbow?

No. Normally for someone to physically make another person faint, you have to temporarily reduce the blood supply to their brain. Sometimes this is achieved in medical demonstrations by gently pressing on an artery in the neck; never the elbow. However this isn't really something you should do without medical supervision.

How can you make someone faint by inner elbow?

Striking or applying pressure to the inner elbow can potentially stimulate the ulnar nerve, causing a vasovagal response that may lead to fainting. This technique should not be used as it can still pose risks to the individual, including injury or complications from fainting. It is not recommended to try to make someone faint intentionally.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'faint of heart'?

Faint means weak or not strong. The heart is considered the emotional organ so someone faint at heart would be emotionally weak.