She loved it.
Because I didn't see Tom getting spanked, not even for getting out of bed, and not even when Butch and Pals are here to sing Mama eu' Quero. However Tom and Jerry is one of the most famous classic animated silent cartoon duos.Maybe Tom getting spanked is a banned scene from Baby Puss.It looks like Tom getting spanked wasn't scene, the only person that spanked Tom in this cartoon is that girl who punished Tom for running away.
stop doing bad things
Yes your butt can hurt, but its probley from sitting on your butt all day and being lazy or you maybe just have to take a crap!!
A rubber soled slipper. I remember getting it as a young lad off my mother. My backside used to burn for ages afterwards and I had trouble sitting down for a while.
Yes, I have. Once with my leather belt while I was kneeling on the sofa and once with a wooden paddle while I was over her knees. Both times I was spanked on my bare butt.
Not on the net there isn't.
Lol! that was funny.
Well, honey, getting a corporal punishment sure ain't a walk in the park. It involves physical pain as a form of discipline, so yeah, it's gonna hurt. But hey, maybe it'll teach you not to do whatever got you in trouble in the first place.
I don't, and I don't know anyone who does. Two options come to mind: 1) you've gotten caught up in the hydration craze, and is drinking more than you need while exercising, which cause you to pee a lot. 2) You're not getting along with your saddle, and the chafing/pressure in the groin gets misinterpreted as needing to pee.
After looking this up I found it to be true. Apparently David would spank Jake when ever he has the chance. Many I found he spanked him the most while making first and second seasons. Yet he was still spanked in later instances. He only spanked him when he misbehaved it makes sense because he is always away from his parents aka disciplinarians.