Yes. Always be sure to consume a normal amount of calories everyday. Not eating, besides depriving your body of calories and resulting in a low blood sugar level, can also cause a potassium deficiency, which can also cause dizzyness. Consult a doctor if you feel dizzy or passout. Not eating for the purposes of weight loss is unhealthy and could be the sign of an eating disorder. If you find yourself not eating for long periods, seek medical attention.
If You Study Hard, Get a Good Night Sleep You Will Pass Your T.A.K.S.
Yes, it is possible to pass out in your sleep, but it is not common. This can happen due to various medical conditions or substances that affect consciousness. If someone frequently passes out during sleep, they should consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and treatment.
pass out how about 'slumber'? im not sure if it refers to a deep kind of sleep, but it has 7 letters and it is sleep :)
Yes you can pass i did before
either doodle, text, or sleep. :)
sleep. pass away. death. going into the light
no you can't. girls have to sleep on their left & right hand side. if you sleep on your back, the blood will pass through your back and soak on your bed and sometimes stain your clothes
go to the locked inn in canalave city and sleep in the bed
Doon would go out exploring the underground city of Ember to calm his mind and pass the time until he felt tired enough to sleep.
Your body would eventually shut itself down, so you'd pass out and you'd sleep for a while till your body finished it repairs. If you were to prevent sleep though, you'd die.
Yes a human passes gas in there sleep. I have experienced that from my DAD.
well you can become so exhausted that your body can pass out and it is bad for your health.