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I cannot see why not. There is no blood relationship between you and your sisters ex-husband.

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Q: Can you marry your sisters husband if they are no longer married?
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Can you marry your sisters husband?

Not if he is still married to your sister.

Can you marry your sisters's husband?

yes, if she divorces him first.

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No, in most countries it is illegal (a crime) to marry someone that is still legally married to another person.

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Yes, it is legal for your sister to marry your husband's brother.

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they are no longer related. They would be ex-step sisters or brothers, techinically. But if they are related only by marriage and the parents are no longer married, then they also are no longer related.

Can you marry your sisters husband if they are divorced?

Yes but it would be very confusing if there were children involved

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If her husband dies or she gets a divorcee then she could get married again

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No they would have to break up with their husband/wife first.

Can smeone marry his cousin brothers wifes sisters daughter by tamil custom My 1st Cousin Brother C married M.M and S are sisters same parents S has a Daughter D of my age By Custom Can I Marry?

Yes you can marry her. She has no blood relation to you. She is just the niece of your brother's wife from her side. It is no different than if two cousins married two women who were sisters.

Can two sisters still marry in Nebraska?

Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.