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Yes, you and only you can make yourself happy. Nobody comes along and puts happiness inside you, there is no way possible that that can happen.External happyand joyful events or things may happen around you but if you are depressed, they won't "make" you happy. When it comes down to it. You alone makes you happy. Sink down into yourself and find the true cause of your unhappiness and change it. - If you have done something wrong and feel bad - put it right. If someone has done something to you, understand why and forgive them. If your life is going in the wrong direction, startmake plans to step off that path and find a new one. Findingpeace inside yourselfis the first steps to happiness. Life is what you make it.

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Q: Can you make myself Happy
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Umm........Well what i do is that i sing or play around to make myself fell really good about myself I practice TM, I find it really takes me to my real self which is full & happy.

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If you just got demerits and are feeling depressed, a way to make yourself happy is to listen to some upbeat music.

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I make myself happy by remembering we are all unique and wonderful people. You should think.the same. An if no one else loves you I do. Because every human deserves love.

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What is the best way to become happy if you don't know why you're so sad?

i myself am sad alot and i dont know why. the best thing for me is to look at a pic of someone who makes me happy. or i have my music on to make me happy. i hope that helps you.

Is it hard to make an island?

I would say it is hard to build an island. i am building 1 myself it is called "Limaroo" I Would be happy i f you could live there!.

How you make a sentence with a word myself?


What are happy fish?

happy fish are what i created . all by myself i have made an army !!! one day they will take over the world !!

How do you keep the family happy?

At times I put myself into neutral and let them push me around.

What is i me siento alegre siendo yo in English?

It means: and I feel happy being myself.