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Well unfortunately it is hard to monitor all contributions on WikiAnswers. Anyone who has internet access to type ANY questions in to the search-box, including "How do you make fake crack cocaine?" . If you find anyone who seems to be vandalizing the site you can report the user to a supervisor and the supervisor can block their account.

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Wax. Soap. That's a really stupid thing to do and I hate people that do it.

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Q: Why do you have how do you make fake crack cocaine on this website?
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Ingredience for fake crack cociane?

what you need to make crack cocaine is a chav and some stupid b*tches

How do you make fake crack cocaine?

WikiAnswers does not support the illegal activity or in this case the fake illegal activity for making illegal drugs.

Can crack cocaine make my vagina wet?


Is crack cocaine and cocaine different?

No, it will not. Crack is simply cocaine prepared with baking soda in a way that makes it smokeable so a drug test performed on someone who has taken crack and someone who has taken cocaine will return the same chemical signature.

Do crack make you sweat?

Yes, crack cocaine will make a user sweat more profusely through the pores of the skin.

Can you make crack cocaine with ammonia?

not just ammonia, baking soda

How do you make crack cocaine with benzocaine?

You don't. Generally, drug dealers use the benzocaine for making fake crack, not the real thing. Benzocaine numbs the mouth when tasted, just like cocaine. Do keep in mind that manufacturing street drugs is illegal, and manufacturing counterfeit drugs is not only illegal, but can put the dealer at risk for retaliation.

How much crack can you make with 1 kilo?

You can turn a kilo of powder cocaine into a kilo and a quarter of crack if you've got good cocaine and the resulting quality will be decent.

How long do it make to cocaine crack?

By the sounds of things, you should already know this answer.

How much can you make off 3 grams of crack cocaine?

10000 bucks

How much crack can be made out of 1 gram of cocaine in nyc?

It depends on how pure the powder (1 g of cocaine) was to begin with. 1g in its purest form will make 2g crack on average.

Why does crack cocaine make you burp?

because your not exposed to do it you idiot its crack cocaine. ^^ Person above is calling people idiots, however they failed at proper syntax. Proper syntax: Because you are not supposed to do it, you idiot it's Crack Cocaine. Not only that Crack Cocaine has shown to increase gastric acid production in some individuals. These individuals suffer from a stress induced Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.