scream very loud and shrilly (high-pitch) and do it for a long time. Yes, you can lose your voice permanently if you continue doing this. Another way to lose your voice is to not talk too anyone for years. Also don't talk to yourself. Not anybody. Not even in your mind. no where. This can make it hard to remember your words.
No, dont believe in romors about him lol. Its probably some haters trying to scare everyone xD
You Lose Your Voice
The only way possibly to lose your voice is by either yelling loudly, or going through your period where your voice intends to change its pitch. It is in this time that you are likely to lose your voice for a short period of time. but to lose your voice for a prank is not possible.
You can temporarily lose your voice for any ailment that involves your larynx (a medical term for the voice box in your throat). Furthermore, complete aphonia (complete loss of voice) can occur after severely injuring your vocal chords and having them lose their ability to vibrate and produce sound. Finally, social phobias (fear of speaking in public) can cause a person to believe they are mute, although most of the time they can regain their voice in a private setting; However, to answer your question, simply not talking for an extended period of time cannot cause any form of voice loss...although it might improve your listening ability.
The medical condition where you lose your voice is called laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the voice box and often mimics the common cold until you lose your voice.
They lose there say, they lose there voice in society!
the more you make noise the more you lose your voice
It is inflammation of the larynx which is your "voice box"