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Q: Can you live without both kidney and your pancreas?
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Can you live when both kidney and pancreas transplants are being rejected?

Very unlikely because you only have 2 kidneys and 1 pancreas. Humans need both of these to survive. However if one kidney was still working then you could survive.

What organs can a person not live without?

Brain, heart, liver, pancreas, both lungs

Can kids live without their pancreas?


Why didn't Steve jobs have his pancreas removed?

You cannot live without a pancreas.

Is it possible to live without kidney?

You can live with just one Kidney.

Do you have to have a kidney to live or can you have dialysis without a kidney?


Can an average person live without their liver or kidney?

Without their liver, no, not without some sort of medical technology, and perhaps not even then. Without one kidney, yes, quite easily in most cases. Without both kidneys, no, again not without some sort of medical technology (usually a kidney dialysis machine).

Can a person live without their kidney?

No it is not possible, yes in ESR stage some people are living. End-stage renal disease is where a persons' kidney function is too low to adequately support life without support, around 10% or less of normal function. Obviously without either kidney there will be no function.

How long can you live without your pancreas?

as long as any normal human being, but there is a way to live, you have to live on insulin because the pancreas produces insulin, so you would have to live by the needle

What organs can you not have to live?

one kidney, one lung, bladder, gall bladder, pancreas, and spleen. but sometimes it can cause problems

Can you live without your kidneys?

You can live with only 1, but you cannot live without kidneys.A normal human can function with a single kidney. But to live without one requires dialysis on a regular basis.

How do you live without a pancreas?

You will have to go for pancreas transplant.Even if you relys on medicine,you still cannot live long.