you can live without your bladder lungs small intestine
I don't understand your question but if you are asking what are the functions of your liver and gall bladder the liver in simple terms filters out toxins from your body and the gall bladder aids in this process, the gall bladder is not a vital organ therefore you can live without it
You can live with just one but the other kidney would have to be removed or the drainage of urine from that kidney would have to be rerouted.
yes but you would have to walk around with a bag with urine and have a tube were the urine comes from the kidneys
Your bladder acts as a reservoir to store urine until such time as it is convenient to discharge it. Although there would be the inconvenience and embarassment of the continual discharge of urine that would occur without a bladder, the body can function quite well without it.
swim bladder is what helps the fish stay afloat without the swim bladder a fish would simply sink duhhh
one kidney, one lung, bladder, gall bladder, pancreas, and spleen. but sometimes it can cause problems
how long can german shephard live with bladder cancer with no treatments like chemotherapie or surgery
A human can live with one lung, one kidney, without a spleen, appendix, uterus, testicles, ovaries. Recently a young girl in Tennessee lived three months without a heart. It was replaced by a machine outside of her body.
if you didnt have a bladder it would become impossible to urinate because the bladder filters the liquids you consume in you body. So without it you will really be hurt. take care of your bladder(bladder stones are painful)
First obvious sign of someone having a weak bladder is always needing to visit the toilet, as people with a weak bladder cannot hold in their urine. Sometimes due to the weak bladder urine will leak through, without realizing. People with weak bladder have little control over their own bladder, therefore causes the leakage.
the urine will go out automatically without preventing it