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Do not kiss a girl friend if you have a cold sore.

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14y ago
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15y ago

if you were to kiss someone with a cold sore you would get the virus. cold sores are veryy contagious and can be shared by just drinking out of someones drink that has a col sore

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12y ago

As long as you don't tell them you have herpes

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15y ago

That is correct; you should not kiss anyone if you have a cold sore.

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All you like . . .

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Q: Can you kiss someone with a coldsore if you already have the virus?
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Can you get a coldsore if you kiss someone who had one in the past?

You can only get a coldsore if the person your kissing still has one, but if its cleared up you'll be fine.

How much kissing do you have to do to get mono?

Mono is not caused by a great amount of kissing. All it takes is that you kiss someone who already has the virus.

Can you kiss someone while you have a coldsore if they have one aswell?

well you can.....but you might want to check out some cream being i am a doctor and see what you can do about it, also by kissing someone with a cold sore you are risking the chance of getting more.

Did Sai already kiss someone?

No one

How oyou have your first kiss with someone who has already kissed before?

you just kiss them its not hard

When do you kiss someone?

You kiss someone when you feel you are ready. If you have already kissed him/her on the cheek, you are ready. Wait for a time when you are alone in private. Then, when your eyes lock, kiss them.

If you have no cold sores around or in your mouth can you kiss someone?

Yes, but you're still putting the other person at risk for getting the herpes simplex 1 virus if they don't already get cold sores (meaning that they have the virus). Transmission of the virus wouldn't be immediately evident, it may remain dormant until the person is sick, stressed, etc., triggering an outbreak.

Can you get a bump on your lip if you kiss someone?

Yes, it is a virus called oral herpes which manifests itself as a cold sore, or "bump".

What kind of a kiss is a passionate kiss?

A passionate kiss is different from a regular kiss. A passionate kiss is when you are kissing someone you love, and you kiss someone with the passion that you feel for someone.

What if a boy doesn't kiss you if you already boyfriend and girlfriend?

Let him go...You deserve someone who is open-minded and realistic

How can you get a married girl while you have already kiss her and you also touched her but you dont know what is in her mind?

Well if she is married you probably shouldn't be pursuing her. She already belongs to someone.

How do you get your boyfriend 2 kiss you if you already told him that you wanted a kiss and he changed the subject someone help?

well seen like he playing hard to get . so i would catch him off guard and kiss him on the cheek and then he might get the would like a kiss from hom