No, though sperm formation benefit from the lower temperature in the testes, increased temperature will not kill them.
Sperms are very resilient and can survive in the female reproductive tract, but taking very hot baths or exposing the testicles to high temperatures for prolonged periods can potentially decrease sperm count and motility. However, a single long hot bath is unlikely to completely kill all sperm in the body.
A moist hot towel is placed over the face to soften the hair before shaving.
A hot towel will not clear up a cold sore.
by mixing sperms hot water and salt.
I recommend putting hot water on a washrag or hand towel and then microwave it for about 35-40 seconds. Be careful, the towel will be extremely hot. Put the hot towel in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag. Make sure there is no air in the bag. Put the bag consisting of the hot towel on the tight muscle for however long it takes to loosen the muscle.
That is not a safe or effective method of preventing pregnancy.
take soap and apply to paper towel, rub on lips and keep going until you start to see it fade and then take a hot shower the heat will kill the marker molecule's.
Hot, moist packs can be made using a reusable hot pad and a damp towel. Heat the hot pack according to manufacturer's instructions then wrap it in the towel that is damp from hot water. Hot moist packs alternated with cold packs can be used to treat swelling and pain after sprains and strains.
yes a hot wire can kill a cardinal.
Hand towel, hot plate,