It causes you to bend over and inhale your own farts believing they not only don't stink but smell good.
farts farts farts farts farts
Farts farts farts farts farts farts poo
it farts it farts it farts
Although unpleasant, inhaling farts is generally not dangerous. Farts are primarily made up of odorless gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane. However, the smell may be due to trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which in high concentrations can be harmful if inhaled in large quantities.
Farts, Farts, And Farts.
Wet farts \
Wet farts \
Wario farts a lot.
yes many laws about raising their children
The sentence "He gets farts in the car" should be written like this. "He gets in the car and farts" or "He farts in the car