

Can you have too many orgasms?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Q: Can you have too many orgasms?
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Too many orgasms?

No, you may run out of semen but eventully that will come back. And a study proves that you can live longer if you have many orgasms.

How many orgasms?


How many orgasms can a woman have in one hour?

How many orgasms can a woman have in one hour?

How many different orgasms are there?

One at a time

Why girls shouting when they having a sex?

It is most likely because of orgasms. many people make noises udring orgasms or sex.

How many orgasms do guys have before ejaculating?

Ejaculating is the orgasm.

How many orgasms can a girl have during sexual intercourse?

I have given my wife 4 orgasms using a Kamasutra Long Last Condom. It was a fantastic experience!!! Women can have multiple orgasms during intercourse. Depending upon the woman, they can have from 1 to 100.

Can women have orgasms after 50?

Yes, women can have orgasms after 50.

How do you have more orgasms?

how do u have more orgasms during masturbation

On average how many orgasms do men give women during sex?

Average I would probably say 0 most guys ejaculate too quickly or do not use enough foreplay.

What causes orgasms?

Having high sexual pleasure causes orgasms.

Can kids have orgasms?

Yes kids can. But won't have the best feeling if they have sex. Adults would have a better feeling. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Humans are biologically capable of experiencing orgasms at most any age. Infants have been observed masturbating to orgasm, and boys have been observed masturbating while still in the womb. Childhood orgasms can be every bit as full & intense as adult orgasms. Many boys & girls accidentally discover masturbation & orgasms as toddlers while exploring their bodies. Guys who masturbate to orgasm before puberty will experience 'dry' orgasms. These 'dry' orgasms can be as intense or even more intense than the ejaculatory orgasms they will experience after reaching puberty. Also, many boys discover that they are multi-orgasmic before puberty. They have yet to develop a refractory period, so they are able to experience a number of full orgasms in rapid succession. Research suggests that these dry multiple orgasms are qualitatively the same as the typical female orgasmic experience. Most boys who experience multiple dry orgasms before puberty will lose their multi-orgasmic ability shortly after their first ejaculation.