A recommendation for ICU nurses will include their background and past job history. The letter may also include testimonies from references on why they would make a good employee.
In order of education, Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, Nurse Manager, Nurse Practitioner. A nurse working in ICU is an RN. ICU Nurses have specialized education and skills, but a new RN can work in an ICU.
There is no special education required for an ICU nurse beyond what is required for a nursing license (associate's or bachelor's degree). Usually, hospitals will provide some specialized training for new ICU nurses, but it is not required.
The educational kind.
You need to have an M.D. and have to beable to take care of very sick people. ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit
well I think you need to get your RN degree.
A psych tech requires hardly any training. They are the "laborers" of the psych wards. They hardly get paid anything and they probly have to deal with the most with unruly patients. A nurse on the other hand is educated on practically every aspect of health. They get paid quite well, and there are so many different nursing fields. Psych nurse, trauma nurse, ER nurse, triage nurse, ICU nurse, Baby ICU, pediatrics, Chemo nurse, Radiation oncology nurse, Radiology nurse, cath lab nurse, even insurance companies hire nurses for their health screenings.
The initial workup should be coordinated by the attending ICU staff (intensivist and ICU nurse specialist), pharmacists (for medications and IV fluid therapy), and respiratory therapists for stabilization, improvement, or continuation of cardiopulmon.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for registered nurses as of May 2008 is, $65,130. This would amount to $31.31 per hour. Median annual wages of registered nurses were $62,450 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $51,640 and $76,570. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $43,410, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $92,240.
The cast of I.C.U. - 2013 includes: Rachana Narayankutty as Nurse in ICU Yashish Singhal as Vinu