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yes of coarse you can almost everything is normal!!

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Q: Can you go to the bathroom during your piriod?
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Related questions

Can you menstruate during pregnancy?

Yes am pregnate and having my piriod uggg!!

Where should you go for shelter during a tornado?

Generally the basement and the bathroom are the safest places to go during a tornado.

How do boxers go to the bathroom during a match?

they hold it till there done

What do you do if you need to go to the bathroom during the Iditarod?

find some trees or shrubs!

Why does it feel like you have to go to the bathroom during sex?

because the bathroom is a private place to do it and you can clean up any you make even faster

How old do you need to be to have your first piriod?


What time piriod was Hitler?

Early 1900s

How do you spell piriod?

The correct spelling is period.

What happens when your breasts start poking out and you haven't got your piriod?

It means you are in puberty. Menstruation starts anytime during your puberty and is not linked to the breasts.

Why is it important to raise your hand during school?

to answer a question .. to ask a question... and to go to the bathroom..

Where do you go during a tornado when your at the store?

If you're in such a shopping center and there is a tornado head for the bathroom, crouch down in a corner, and cover your head.

How does T Taylor swift goes to the bathroom during her shows?

She doesnt go during the show. shes goes before and after