sure you can. you may not be able to kick it well without pain. but swimming is one of the best recovery methods for many ailment. just use your arms if it hurts
Spraining of the ligaments in your ankle when you roll it/ go over it. Basically when your foot rolls toward the outside.
A Podiatrist is a foot doctor. People who are having problems with ligaments and bones in their feet would go to one.
It is recommended that you see your physician for an x-ray. The foot contains small bones and ligaments that can be easily injured. Try to not put your weight on the injured foot and see you doctor as soon as possible.
Depends on the disease, but I wouldn't suggest it answer would be go see a doctor.
Swimming during pregnancy can be a great exercise, especially in the last trimester! It can relieve all the pressure on your joints and ligaments. It also helps you from overheating.
No, fly's do not go near swimming pools and step on the ground because they can fly :D
It is possible you have torn or damaged a ligament in your knee. This needs to be examined immediately. You can still walk even if certain ligaments are torn or damaged and if they don't heal properly it could lead to trouble down the road.
It matters how deep you go in the water as in the sea water I only go up to my waist and i'm 5 foot 7
you can't go swimming!
ligaments go bone to bone (for example in the knee itis called the ACL). Tendons attach muscle to bone.
People from swimming clubs go to swimming galas
Swimming during your period is fine as long as you wear a tampon which should be changed before and after you go swimming