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It is safe to go in a hot tub after getting wisdom teeth pulled however you should avoid getting the water into your mouth. Hot water allows the growth of bacteria and may increase the risk of infection.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

I do not recommend swimming in a pool water for at least 5 days and not swimming in lake water for at least 7 days following extractions. It is the same if you have a deep wound elsewhere on your body.

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Q: Can you go in a hot tub after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
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Is bread ok to eat right after pulled wisdom teeth?

SURE YOU can eat anything after having a wisdom tooth pulled out. Naturally you may not want to chew with the side from which the tooth was pulled out. You can chew with the opposite side. Why restrict your diet to bread,? ON THE day of extraction it may be a good idea to avoid hot food and hot drinks It can precipitate bleeding

Are hot foods okay after wisdom teeth surgery?

It would be better to wait until it cools.

What about hamburgers or hot dogs or salads when can you eat those things again after having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled?

first day i would eat soft cold foods. After that you can eat those foods but i would be careful with crunchy food like chips for at least another 3 days.

What can you eat if you had your wisdom teeth removed the day before yesterday?

Nothing hot, yogurt, juices, ensure, thin soups (no chucks, cream of wheat or oatmeal).

What to drink 4 hours after teeth pulled out?

If I'm correct, the gums would still be sore in the area of which the teeth were pulled. In that case, I suggest gargling salt water, but as far as drinks go, I'd say water. Definetly not a hot beverage, something cold like water, juice (possibly), or milk. x

Can you drink alcohol a week after you get all four wisdom teeth pulled?

Only if you are not still on the painkillers the doctor prescribed.AnswerThere are certain types of painkillers or antibiotics where you cannot consume alcohol while taking them. Usually the pharmacist tells you, or you can read the medication precautions given by the pharmacist.AnswerFor healing purposes, it is known to avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, and hot liquids for a week after surgery.

When can you drink alcohol after having wisdom teeth removed?

Only after the gums have healed. Alcohol causes the place where teeth were removed to dry up,"dry socket", and it can be very painful.

What can you eat after getting your wisdom teeth pulled three days ago?

Soft food, such as anything that can be mashed with a fork. Also soup broth, pudding, jello, yogurt. Ensure has the nutrients your body will need to help speed healing too. Fruit juices will help give you strength and help to keep you hydrated.

How will you get him?

Be hot, brush your hair and teeth, and smile! :)

Is it ok to consume hot liquids after you have a tooth pulled?

Yes but you will notice that cold and hot are not what you want and it hurts.

Healling wound left by pulled out wisdom teeth?

Generally the dentist or oral surgeon will put 2 stitches into the gum surface. The patient will be given instructions for after care, the most important of which are: - no smoking - no drinking with straws - no eating very hot or cold foods - no eating coarse or crunchy things You may need to keep a dressing on the incision site for up to 24 hours. Some wisdom teeth come out with quite a lot of stress on the nerves and jaw; others slip out quietly with little trauma. Pain medication can range from acetaminophen up to Oxycodone depending on the amount of work done. Full healing is typically 1 to 2 weeks. Diabetics and smokers can expect much longer healing.

What can you eat after you have your wisdom teeth taken out?

1.Ice cream 2. Mash Potatoes (cold) 3. Yogurt 4.Frozen yogurt 5.Apple sauce Once you have your wisdom teeth removed you cannot have caffine or anything hot or spicy it will hurt your wisdom teeth area that you just gotten removed