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You shouldn't go into a hot tub after any type of wax. Your skin can become severely inflamed and irritated.

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Q: Can you go in a hot tub after a Brazilian wax?
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Where to buy a hot tub in sims 3 late night?

First, you go to buy mode,then you go to plumbing , and i think you find a hot tub there.

Going into a hot tub or sauna it will cause a miscarriage is that correct?

yes. it could. I wanted to go into a hot tub when I was pregnant and I was advised not to.

Who should not go into a hot tub?

Pregnant people.

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What hot tubs have installation included in the price?

Most of the time the installation is going to be a separate cost, but if you go to the hot tub store you can ask how much the installation will cost and use that to figure out what your budge is for the hot tub. Some hot tub stores will even allow you to negotiate the prices.

Is it safe to go into a hot tub when you're on your period?

Yes it is. If it is a public spa I would recommend wearing a tampon. Be sure to remove it right away once you get out of the hot tub.

Do you think its all right for your girlfriend to go over her ex boy friends house and go in his hot tub?

I would'nt let my boyfriend go to his ex's to get in her hott tub unless i was with him.

Where can I find replacements for hot tub pumps?

You can find replacement for hot tub pumps at Menards or Home Depot. You also can go to another hardware store where there are pumps sold for tubs.

What is the best temperature to operate my hot tub at?

Your hot tub should be around 100 degrees. You do not want your water to hot, but you want it to feel good. You could possible even go up o 120 degrees.

Where do you go to get a frog berries on your Sims Kingdom?

the plants that you water by the hot tub are frog berries, but you have to find everything before you can get them. don't forget to water the plant on top of the hot tub as well.

Can a hot tub make y give birth?

Some birthing centers use a hot tub for labor and delivery. It is called a water birth. A hot tub in itself can not make you go into labor, it can alleviate the pains of labor if done correctly in a controlled environment like a birthing center.

How long after a c-section to go in a hot tub?

as soon as your able to walk on your own.